from NOK 299.00
Sliding Scale:
Through ROOTS I, you anchor your UNLRNing.
Time commitment: 15 hrs over 3 weeks. Course available for 4 weeks after purchase!
Week-by-Week Highlights:
Week 1:
We begin with deep self-work through a series of reflection exercises, incorporating mindfulness, breathing exercises, and writing. Rooting down into knowledge of self is crucial to the beginning of any learning journey, and certainly even more so when we are attempting to unlearn, or UNLRN, the patterns that have kept us held fast by systems of oppression.
Concepts covered:
Land and Self
The triumvirate: Power, Privilege, and Oppression
The Role of Empathy
Week 2:
This week, we move on to locating historical contexts, and hone in on vocabulary and methodology. It’s important to make sure we mean the same things by the words we say—words matter, and this week we will dive in to their meanings.
Concepts covered:
Historical contexts—the Global
Indigineities & Indigenous Sovereignty
The Role of Capital
Week 3:
In final week of ROOTS I, we synthesize the space between the self and the knowledge. Additional mindfulness-centred exercises will be used to make the connections between our own experiences/accountabilities and the learning and unlrning over the past weeks.
Concepts covered:
Gender and Sexual Identity
Intersectionality Introduced
Disability Justice
After purchase you will be manually added to the course via the hosting platform Thinkific. Please allow 24-48 hours to receive the link, and contact Ro at ro@unlrnprjct.com if any technical difficulties are encountered!